Wednesday 4 July 2007

Review: Nemesea - In Control [Rock/Electronic]

Nemesea have certainly changed over the past few years, from the mournful, yet beautiful brand of symphonic metal they produced on debut, 'Mana', to this, the opposite type of gothic metal. With more electronics, no more orchetras and no more choirs, vocalist Manda has even given her operatic vocals a rest. But the question is, was it worth it?

The album opens with the extremely radio-friendly, punchy track 'No More'. The verses are delicately whispered by Manda, before the band kick in for the powerful chorus. It's almost impossible to remember the bands darker past, when this catchy album is in your hands!

The title track; 'In Control' is less impressive. Sure, it has psychadelic undertones, catchy beats, and a simple verse-chorus-verse formula, but wait a second, so did 'No More'. 'In Control' is by no means a terrible song, it's not even remotely bad, it's simply forgettable.

'Home' is the third track, and opens in a rather predictable way, the same effects are hidden beneath Manda's beautiful voice [the saving grace of the CD, so far]. However, when the chorus lashes out, unexpectedly, i am made to eat my words, it all fits together, the chorus is extremely professional, beautiful vocal lines and a lovely melody intertwine, to create the standout track of 'In Control'

Fellow Sellaband-victor, Cubworld appears in the next song. Granted, the song is a refreshing change from the same old electronics, but i can't help but feel that 'The Way I Feel' could have been so much better, and more powerful. The positive note is the succesful merge of Cubworlds acoustic ambience, and Nemeseas beautiful arrangements, aswell as Manda's breathtaking vocals, once again dominating the attention of all who listen in.

The CD proceeds with 'Lost Inside'. The song would sure enough embed inside your brain, and after a few listens, it's easy to sing along, the repetition of the line; 'I Can't Tell You' is very powerful, and well thought out. The lyrics are once again, interesting, and forward, as with most songs on the CD, however, another feeling tells me, the song could have been so much better, if it wasn't so similar to the other tracks of 'In Control'.

'Remember' is one of the truly weak tracks on 'In Control'. It's hard to be so negative towards a lovely band, but this song truly is 'filler' material. A boring song, that has been done time and time again. The only positive comment i can muster for this track is the heavy electronics sounding not-too-bad.

Thank goodness for 'Believe', another great song, a heavy, mid-paced, easy on the ear track that is a nice change, and to hear Manda reach her true potential is great. One of the most enjoyable tracks from the album, sounding like a mix between Sheryl Crow and Korn.

'Like The Air' is a nice song, and i regret to say, i wished the album ended here. The song has the most beautiful lyrics of all the tracks, and the wonderful chorus has been a favourite of mine, since it's demo stages. Perhaps, not the most original song, but still incorporating Nemesea sound. A rare hilight of 'In Control'.

The final two tracks 'Broken' and 'Never', on first listen give you a strange sense of Deva Ju. Due to the severe lack of originality, despite the chorus of 'Broken' being slightly bareable, the two songs truly should have been left out of the album. They give nothing to the sound, and achieve even less. An anti-climax, for sure.

Overall, the latest Nemesea album, though it pains me to say it, is dissappointing. Nothing you haven't heard before, and could easily be re-enacted for free, by playing the latest Clubbers Anthems compilation over a Korn CD. Nothing special, and rather boring. By all means, download the standout tracks; 'Home', 'Believe', and 'No More'. But sadly, i've lost almost all my interest in Nemesea for the time being.

Nemesea Official
Nemesea @ Sellaband
Nemesea @ Myspace


Víctor González Solano said...


No es la fiebre
la que está en las sábanas,
es tu aroma de mujer en celo
que en cada madrugada
hace hervir mi sangre
y me lleva a un mundo de unicornios.
Un aroma que mina
y mi esperanza aviva,
que mi leño atiza
y mi existencia humedece.


Paso a paso, como llovizna de abril,
mi saliva se va quedando
en cada poro de tu piel.
Y en la horcadura
donde emana la vida
se riega mi simiente,
liberando una tormenta
de placer y de gloria,
acto seguido… la calma.


...y es que tu cuerpo desnudo
laudable y sereno,
lleno de vida,
me embriaga
y me lleva a perdonarte la felonía.


Me encanta contemplarte
en esas noches cuando,
como espíritus que no hallan sosiego,
tus labios
recorren cada recodo de mi cuerpo.
Y en tu loca fantasía
me envuelves en un mar
de lujuria y espasmos.

A oscuras

¿Para qué la claridad
si la oscuridad me lo da todo?
me da tu piel para que las ganas se viertan
y mis manos se pierdan en ella.
Me da unos labios a pedir de boca
y la oportunidad de besarte
sin cerrar los ojos.
Me da también la eternidad del tiempo
que Cupido detiene
para que la noche sea inmortal.
¿para qué la claridad, amor,
si la oscuridad nos los da todo?.
Víctor González Solano
Barranquilla. Colombia

Hola, estos poemas forman parte de mi libro “Mandalas”, próximo a publicar. Autorizo su publicación, siempre y cuando me den el respectivo crédito.

Víctor González Solano

Remagine_AF said...

Hi dear Friend from FMB =).
Do you remember me¿

Anonymous said...

Jesus. You talk about beautiful choruses, beautiful singing, lovely melody's and great songs.

And then you say the CD is boring....

errrr yeah....
CD's that I find boring don't have ANY over the above.
Did you even realise what you typed?

Great CD btw.

Anonymous said...

It sucks to be so negative, and we prefer not to go on forever about what we dislike with an album.

We still enjoy Nemesea, and want people to support them...

Anonymous said...

What a bloody gay review.
Positive about the songs and then give 2 stars?

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Unknown said...

I agree mostly with this review, except that I think that the album is even worse. I like Mana, bit In Control is awful.